''' Just a few examples of how to do some basic things with the PLC ''' from eip import PLC def ex_read(tag): ''' simple tag read ''' ret = comm.Read(tag) print ret def ex_readArray(tag, length): ''' read tag array ''' ret = comm.Read(tag, length) print ret def ex_multiRead(): ''' read multiple tags in a single packet ''' tag1 = "DatabasePointer" tag2 = "ProductPointer" ret = comm.MultiRead(tag1, tag2) print ret def ex_write(tag, value): ''' simple tag write ''' comm.Write(tag, value) def ex_getPLCTime(): ''' get the PLC's clock time ''' ret = comm.GetPLCTime() print ret def ex_setPLCTime(): ''' set the PLC's clock time to the workstations time ''' comm.SetPLCTime() def ex_discover(): ''' discover all the Ethernet I/P devices on the network and print the results ''' print "Discovering Ethernet I/P devices, please wait..." device = comm.Discover() print "Total number of devices found (in no particular order):", len(device) print "" for i in xrange(len(device)): print '(' + str(i+1) + ') ' + device[i].IPAddress print " ProductName/Code - ", device[i].ProductName, "(" + str(device[i].ProductCode) + ")" print " Vendor/DeviceID - ", device[i].Vendor, "(" + str(device[i].DeviceID) + ")" print " Revision/Serial - ", device[i].Revision, device[i].SerialNumber print "" def ex_getTags(): ''' request the tag database from the PLC and put the results in a text file ''' ret = comm.GetTagList() # print out all the tags to a file with open("TagList.txt", "w") as text_file: for tag in ret: name = "Name: " + tag.TagName dtype = "Type: " + str(tag.DataType) offset= "Offset: " + str(tag.Offset) end = '\n' # some tab space formatting if len(name) >= 36: tabs = '\t' if len(name) < 36 and len(name) >= 32: tabs = '\t'*2 if len(name) < 32 and len(name) >= 28: tabs = '\t'*3 if len(name) < 28 and len(name) >= 24: tabs = '\t'*4 if len(name) < 24 and len(name) >= 20: tabs = '\t'*5 if len(name) < 20 and len(name) >= 16: tabs = '\t'*6 if len(name) < 16 and len(name) >= 12: tabs = '\t'*7 if len(name) < 12: tabs = '\t'*8 line = name + tabs + dtype + '\t' + offset + end text_file.write(line) # define our communication comm = PLC() comm.IPAddress = '' #comm.ProcessorSlot = 2 # uncomment one of the examples. #ex_read('NewProductID') #ex_readArray('ObjectValue[0]', 10) #ex_multiRead() #ex_write('ThisTag.Thingy', '107') #ex_getPLCTime() #ex_setPLCTime() #ex_discover() #ex_getTags()