/* You can modify the Onyx theme by adding variable and rule overrides to this file. To enable theming, follow these steps: 1. In debug.html, uncomment the line referencing "less-.min.js". 2. In package.js, change "$lib/onyx" to "$lib/onyx/source". 3. Also in package.js, add "Theme.less" (this file). 4. Add variable and rule overrides below. See [https://github.com/enyojs/enyo/wiki/UI-Theming] for more information. */ /* Onyx default variable definitions: */ @import "../lib/onyx/css/onyx-variables.less"; /* Place your Onyx variable overrides here -------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------- end variable overrides */ /* Onyx rule definitions: */ @import "../lib/onyx/css/onyx-rules.less"; /* Place your Onyx rule overrides here ------------------------ */ /* ----------------------------------------- end rule overrides */