@REM don't watch the sausage being made @ECHO OFF REM the folder this script is in (*/bootplate/tools) SET TOOLS=%~DP0 REM enyo location SET ENYO=%TOOLS%\..\enyo REM deploy script location SET DEPLOY=%ENYO%\tools\deploy.js REM node location SET NODE=node.exe REM use node to invoke deploy.js with imported parameters %NODE% "%DEPLOY%" %* REM copy files and package if deploying to cordova webos :again if not "%1" == "" ( if "%1" == "--cordova-webos" ( REM copy appinfo.json and cordova*.js files SET SRC=%TOOLS%..\ for %%A in ("%~dp0./..") do SET DEST=%TOOLS%..\deploy\%%~nA copy %SRC%appinfo.json %DEST% copy %SRC%cordova*.js %DEST% REM package it up if not exist %SRC%bin mkdir %SRC%bin palm-package.bat %DEST% --outdir=%SRC%bin ) shift goto again )