To: All Computer Users From: Davis Remmel Date: 2018-02-11 12:16pm Subject: Smalltalk I've been around computers for a while, and I've read a lot of the history of them. Smalltalk is a key part, that I believed I understood. While I knew it was a pure object-oriented language, that concept never really rooted itself in my mind. It wasn't until my girlfriend, Chi, started picking it up on my recommendation that I began to take a deeper look. Smalltalk is a great introductory language, because it doesn't have much of a syntax. Objects are pure, and all computing is really done through message passing. I've always liked this idea, the simplicity and elegance is truly beautiful. When Chi started learning it, I began re-learning it as well. Then I began thinking, "what if everything was Smalltalk?" If we had scanners that connected to a network, and exposed themselves as objects with methods, we wouldn't have much to worry about drivers; implementing one would be trivial for any computer user. If we had keyboards, mice, or headphones that exposed themselves as Smalltalk objects, we could inherit the same thing: an easy-to-implement solution. Same with displays, and MIDI keyboards, and even peripherals yet-unthought-of. If we had Smalltalk everywhere, the insides of our computers could be glued together with a Smalltalk Bus. A bus, where each device was itself a computer, that communicated only through the passing of messages. Network cards, sound cards, peripherals: they would all speak Smalltalk through the Smalltalk Bus. Processors could even be implemented with objects in-mind from the beginning. We could destroy our legacy x68 architecture, and evolve to CPUs with thousands, perhaps millions, of RISC cores. Each core could run one (or more) objects, and contain RAM on-die that would decrease latency (since each Smalltalk object is its own computer, with its own CPU and RAM). Perhaps, these cores wouldn't even need be complex; they could be single-instruction processors that run at tens or hundreds of gigahertz. I'm continuing to explore Smalltalk as my primary computing interface. I hope that one day, it will be all there is.