I was really hoping you would view this using OS X's Mail.app. If you're viewing this in Gmail (does Panic use Gmail for email services?), it probably just looks silly -- I apologize for that. You can still view the full page here (it's very pleasant).

my name is

and I'm ready to be your new
Support Agent.

I can't stop learning.

My affinity with tinkering dates back to my fourth Christmas: 1997. I tore the wrapping paper from my new Sony Walkman...then I unscrewed its case. Inside, those turning gears were mesmerizing; they pulled me onto the train of lifelong exploration.

That event spawned my evolution into a tech genius who's ready to assimilate and answer any question that gets thrown his way.

 for life.

I know my way around the Mac-o-sphere; it raped me with its beauty five years ago, and I haven't taken another lover (I do tango with Linux occasionally, though). I'm tapping away at my iPhone even more than OS X, going so far as installing provisioning profiles for app development.

You should know that I casually program, too.

In fact, just last week I became a registered iOS developer. Although my knowledge with Objective-C is limited for the moment, I do know these languages fairly well:

I also have a GitHub page you can check out (my mechanical engineering models are on there, too).

Did I mention my fabulous people skills?

I've mastered speech: my years in competitive speech and debate taught me how to speak concisely and capture an audience's attention. Oh, and I competed at state level tournaments two years in a row.

I want to work for you because Panic is astonishingly awesome.

Could you guess that I used Coda 2 to format this email? Great works are often produced with great tools. Unison is also my favorite Usenet-browser: I couldn't live without it! Being able to downlo—err, I mean—respond to discussion boards so quickly makes it a powerful tool I use almost daily. When I adventured across the west coast by rail last January, I was hoping to stop in and say thanks for the wonderful software.

I'd be honored to become a part of the team that makes Panic so great.

PS: I've been keeping up with the Coda-Users support group on Google Groups, so I know all about Coda 2's complaints and problems.